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Enterprise Competitiveness

Major: Economics
Code of Subject: 7.051.01.O.23
Credits: 4
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: Professor, DrSc Mrykhina Oleksandra B.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
The knowledge of theoretical and applied provisions of the diagnosis of the competitive position of enterprises on the market;
? the knowledge of the legal framework of regulation of the competition in Ukraine;
? the ability to identify all types of competitive advantages which are available to the company and to determine those which will become the main in the future;
? the ability to evaluate the level of industry competition, to determine the scale of the competitive industry environment of the enterprise and to evaluate the balance in the market;
? the ability to justify the organizational and technical solutions to improve the product competitiveness, productivity etc.;
? the ability to justify and to specificate management functions of the enterprise competitiveness.
Required prior and related subjects:
Economics of enterprise
The economic analysis
Planning and controling at the enterprise
The cost management
The potential and the development of the enterprise

The economical management of the enterprise
Economical tools of project management and programs of development of the enterprise
Project financing
Management potential of the enterprise
Training course: Management of resource providing of the enterprise
Summary of the subject:
Modern theories of competition. State regulation of the competition. Diagnosis of the competitive environment of the enterprise. Determination of the competitiveness potential of the enterprise and its constituents. Formation of competitive advantages of enterprise. Methods of providing of competitive advantages of enterprise. The technology of providing of competitive advantages of the enterprise. Features of the management of products competitiveness. Management of the competitiveness of the enterprise. Social responsibility and the competitiveness of the enterprise. The development and implementation of programs of competitiveness improvement. Evaluation of the effectiveness of modern models of management of competitiveness.
Recommended Books:
1. Mrykhina O. B. The competitiveness of the enterprise: Abstract of lectures / O. B. Mrykhina. - Lviv, Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2014. – 343 pg.
2. Dolzhanskiy I. Z. The competitiveness of the enterprise: Training. manual / I. Z. Dolzhanskiy, T. O. Zahorna. – K.: Center of educational literature, 2014. – 384 pg.
3. Dragan O. Management of competitiveness of enterprises: theoretical aspects. Monograph. – K.: DAKKKiM, 2015. – 160 pg.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Evaluation of knowledges on practical lessons - 30% (including discussions and practical tasks, participation in case studies, business games, etc. - 10%, execution of computation work - 20%);
• the final control (exam) - 70% (written component - 50% oral component - 20%).

Enterprise Competitiveness (курсовий проект)

Major: Economics
Code of Subject: 7.051.01.O.24
Credits: 3
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: Professor, Dr.Sc. Mrykhina Oleksandra B.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
knowledge of concepts of evaluation and management of the enterprise competitiveness;
• the ability to identify all types of competitive advantages which are available to the company and to determine those which will become the main in the future;
• the ability to justify the organizational and technical solutions to improve the product competitiveness, productivity etc.;
• the ability to justify and to specificate management functions of the enterprise competitiveness.
Required prior and related subjects:
The competitiveness of the enterprise
Summary of the subject:
Diagnosis of the competitive environment of the enterprise. Determination of the competitiveness potential of the enterprise and its constituents. Formation of competitive advantages of enterprise. Methods of providing of competitive advantages of enterprise. Management of the competitiveness of the enterprise. Social responsibility and the competitiveness of the enterprise. The development and implementation of strategy of competitiveness improvement.
Recommended Books:
1. Мрихіна О.Б. Конкурентоспроможність підприємства : Конспект лекцій / Мрихіна О.Б. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014. – 343 с.
2. Должанський І.З. Конкурентоспроможність підприємства : Навч. посібник / І.З. Должанський, Т.О. Загорна. – К.: Центр навчальної літератури, 2014. – 384 с.
3. Драган О.І. Управління конкурентоспроможністю підприємств: теоретичні аспекти. Монографія. – К.: ДАКККіМ, 2015. – 160 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• evaluation of course project - 100% (computation component - 70% oral component - 30%).