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Information & Cyber Security Regulation, Standards and Policies
Major: Cyber Security
Code of Subject: 6.125.00.O.11
Credits: 4
Department: Information Technology Security
Lecturer: associate professor Mychuda Lesya Zynoviyivna
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. To know the normative-legal acts that enshrine the conceptual provisions of information security of Ukraine;
2. To know the normative legal acts, which define the definitive provisions for ensuring information security of Ukraine;
3. Know the basic state standards of information and cybersecurity;
4. Know basic international information and cyber security standards;
5. Be able to identify the types of threats and to choose the appropriate legally sound behavior;
6. To be able to act and create a professional product in compliance with the procedure of protection of state secrets in Ukraine;
7. Be able to act and create a professional product in compliance with the security of electronic workflow;
8. Be able to apply the standards of Ukrainian and international legislation on information technology security in their professional activities.
2. To know the normative legal acts, which define the definitive provisions for ensuring information security of Ukraine;
3. Know the basic state standards of information and cybersecurity;
4. Know basic international information and cyber security standards;
5. Be able to identify the types of threats and to choose the appropriate legally sound behavior;
6. To be able to act and create a professional product in compliance with the procedure of protection of state secrets in Ukraine;
7. Be able to act and create a professional product in compliance with the security of electronic workflow;
8. Be able to apply the standards of Ukrainian and international legislation on information technology security in their professional activities.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Fundamentals of Information and Cyber Security.
• Fundamentals of Information and Cyber Security.
Summary of the subject:
Legal acts that enshrine the conceptual provisions of information security of Ukraine. Regulations that set out the definitive provisions for ensuring information security of Ukraine. Legal acts defining the procedure of protection of state secrets in Ukraine. Legal acts on information security of telecommunication systems. Laws of Ukraine on electronic document circulation and electronic digital signature. By-laws on electronic document circulation and electronic digital signature. Legal acts defining the order of technical protection of information in Ukraine. Legal acts in the sphere of protection of state electronic information resources of Ukraine. International cybersecurity standards. ISO \ IEC 27000 Series. ISO \ IEC 13335 Information Technology Security Management. ISO \ IEC 15408 Criteria for assessing information technology security. ISO \ IEC Object Authentication Using Symmetric Algorithms. PCI DSS Electronic payment security.
Recommended Books:
1. Конституція України
2. Про основи національної безпеки України (закон)
3. Стратегія національної безпеки України (УП № 105/2007)
4. Концепція (основи державної політики) національної безпеки України (ПВР № 3/97)
5. Доктрина інформаційної безпеки України (УП № 514/2009)
6. Закон України про інформацію
7. Закон України про державну таємницю
8. Закон України про захист інформації в інформаційно-телекомунікаційних системах
2. Про основи національної безпеки України (закон)
3. Стратегія національної безпеки України (УП № 105/2007)
4. Концепція (основи державної політики) національної безпеки України (ПВР № 3/97)
5. Доктрина інформаційної безпеки України (УП № 514/2009)
6. Закон України про інформацію
7. Закон України про державну таємницю
8. Закон України про захист інформації в інформаційно-телекомунікаційних системах
Assessment methods and criteria:
• oral examination at practical classes, test papers (30%).
• final control - test (written, oral form) (70%).
• final control - test (written, oral form) (70%).
Information & Cyber Security Regulation, Standards and Policies
Major: Cyber Security
Code of Subject: 6.125.00.O.12
Credits: 4
Department: Information Security
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria: