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Complex Information Security Systems (курсовий проект)

Major: Cyber Security
Code of Subject: 6.125.00.O.132
Credits: 3
Department: Information Security
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria:

Complex Information Security Systems (курсовий проект)

Major: Cyber Security
Code of Subject: 6.125.00.O.131
Credits: 3
Department: Information Technology Security
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Yuriy Kostiv
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
General description of the tasks of modeling complex information security system. Formal security model and analysis. Applied models of information security in automated systems. Formal construction of model protection. Formalizing security model. Ymovirnostnyy approach. Evaluation approach. The experimental approach. Economic approach.
Required prior and related subjects:
- Information and communication systems;
- Cryptographic systems and protocols;
- The architecture of computer systems.
Summary of the subject:
Course project on discipline is carried out in order to consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge and skills acquired by the students in the process of mastering all course training material in the research and development of complex information security systems. The specific objective of the course project is contained in the development of a comprehensive information security system for the automated system caused by derived data option for individual tasks.
Recommended Books:
1. ID Gorbenko, TO Grinenko. Information security in information and telecommunication systems: manual. guide, Part 1, cryptographic protection. - Kharkov: KNURE, 2004. - 368 p.
2. AK Yudin, V. Bogush Information security state. - K .: "MK-Press", 2005. - 432 p.
3. AV Dudatyev Informational security. Tutorial. -
Vinnitsa: UNIVAR-Sumy, Vinnytsia, 2009. - 240 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
The final score is assigned based on the results of this monitoring a 100-point scale.

Complex Information Security Systems

Major: Cyber Security
Code of Subject: 6.125.00.O.128
Credits: 4
Department: Information Security
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria:

Complex Information Security Systems

Major: Cyber Security
Code of Subject: 6.125.00.O.127
Credits: 4
Department: Information Technology Security
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Yuriy Kostiv
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- Technological and organizational building integrated system
information security;
- Potential channels and methods of unauthorized access
- Methods and data protection;
- The content of the work of the organization and the main stages of the complex information security systems.
Required prior and related subjects:
- Information and communication systems;
- Cryptographic systems and protocols;
- The architecture of computer systems.
Summary of the subject:
The goals, objectives and principles of the integrated system information security. Security management company. The international standards. Aims and objectives of information security in automated systems. Current understanding of the methodology informatsiyi.Metodolohichni protect the foundations of a comprehensive information security system. Policy development security. Information security management system. Requirements for organizational and technical component of a comprehensive information security system. Stages of development of complex systems information security.
Recommended Books:
1. ID Gorbenko, TO Grinenko. Information security in information and telecommunication systems: manual. guide, Part 1, cryptographic protection. - Kharkov: KNURE, 2004. - 368 p.
2. AK Yudin, V. Bogush Information security state. - K .: "MK-Press", 2005. - 432 p.
3. AV Dudatyev Informational security. Tutorial. -
Vinnitsa: UNIVAR-Sumy, Vinnytsia, 2009. - 240 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
The final score is assigned based on the results of this monitoring a 100-point scale.