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Methods and Techniques of Cryptoanalysis

Major: Cyber Security
Code of Subject: 6.125.01.E.151
Credits: 3
Department: Information Technology Security
Lecturer: assistant professor Voytusik Stepan
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• Know the mathematical model cyphers and directions of their classification; concepts and definitions used in describing the properties of ciphers and approaches to determine their reliability; analytical and statistical methods of cryptanalysis of symmetric block ciphers; cryptanalysis methods of asymmetric encryption algorithms.
• Be able to apply their knowledge to practical sustainability performance assessment codes, channel detection and vulnerability assessment of their risk; solve problems of cryptanalysis tools and information security systems; assess the security of software and hardware data protection.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Algorithmic foundations of cryptology.
• Cryptographic systems and protocols.
• Applied cryptology.
Summary of the subject:
Shannon theory secrecy. The problem of opening the key. Requirements ciphers. Cipher strength. Classification methods of cryptanalysis. Power cryptanalysis techniques. Cryptanalysis of symmetric block ciphers. The differential cryptanalysis. Modifications differential cryptanalysis. Linear cryptanalysis. Algebraic cryptanalysis. Search collisions of hash - functions. Cryptanalysis of asymmetric cryptosystems. The task of finding the differential logarithm. Algorithms for factorization of integers.
Recommended Books:
1. Горбенко І.Д., Горбенко Ю.І. Прикладна криптологія. Підручник. – Х.: ХНУРЕ, Форт, 2013. - 878 с.
2. О.В.Вербіцький. Вступ до криптології. — Львів., «ВНТЛ», 1998.
3. Нечаев В. И. Элементы криптографии. — М.: Высшая школа, 1999.
4. К.Шеннон. Теория связи в секретных системах. Работы по теории информации и кибернетике, стр. 333-402. — М.: Изд. Иностр. Лит., 1963.
5. Шнайер. Прикладная криптография, 2-е издание: протоколы, алгоритмы, исходные тексты на языке Си. — М.: Триумф, 2002.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports on laboratory work, oral examination, reference work (30%);
• final control (70% control measure, test), writing, oral form (70%).