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Specialized Computing Methods for Information and Communication Systems
Major: Cyber Security
Code of Subject: 6.125.01.E.138
Credits: 3
Department: Information Technology Security
Lecturer: professor Leonid V. Moroz
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- to know principles of computer arithmetic;
- able to formulate a task for untiing on COMPUTER;
- programmatic to realize basic computer methods;
- able practically to estimate the errors of computer methods;
- able to formulate a task for untiing on COMPUTER;
- programmatic to realize basic computer methods;
- able practically to estimate the errors of computer methods;
Required prior and related subjects:
Mathematical analysis
Linear algebra
Differential equations
Programming technologies
Linear algebra
Differential equations
Programming technologies
Summary of the subject:
Computers and computer systems.Number systems in computer arithmetic.Representation of numbers in computers.The algorithms of arithmetic operations of addition subtraction.The algorithms of arithmetic multiplicationThe algorithms of arithmetic operations division.Algorithms operation extracting the square root.Methods of implementing basic elementary functions - exponents, logarithms, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions.Analysis of the accuracy of calculations
Recommended Books:
1. Корнійчук В.И.,Тарасенко В.П.Основы комп’ютерної арифметики.-К.: «Корнійчук»,2011,-176с.
2. Самофалов К.Г.,Корнейчук В.И.,Тарасенко В.П. Жабин В.И. Цифровые ЭВМ.Практикум.-К: «Вища школа»,1990,-216с.
3. Jean-Michel Muller. Elementary Functions.Algorithms and Implementation
Second Edition. 2006,-300pp.
4. I. Koren. Computer arithmetic algorithms. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
NJ, 2002.
2. Самофалов К.Г.,Корнейчук В.И.,Тарасенко В.П. Жабин В.И. Цифровые ЭВМ.Практикум.-К: «Вища школа»,1990,-216с.
3. Jean-Michel Muller. Elementary Functions.Algorithms and Implementation
Second Edition. 2006,-300pp.
4. I. Koren. Computer arithmetic algorithms. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
NJ, 2002.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• oral examination, test papers (30%).
• final control - test (written, oral form) (70%).
• final control - test (written, oral form) (70%).