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Writer-reader Systems

Major: Cyber Security
Code of Subject: 6.125.02.E.161
Credits: 3
Department: Information Security
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Ph.D. Sovyn Yaroslav
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• know the basic properties, parameters, and methods presentation of audio and video processing;
• reasonable choice architectural, structural, schematic and software solutions in the design of recording, storage and reproduction devices; use this knowledge in the design of specialized equipment protection;
• know specifications, the base element, protocols and standard application devices record and playback audio information;
• know specifications, the base element, protocols and standard application devices record and playback video data;
• know specifications, the base element, protocols and standard application of universal storage devices.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Circuit protection devices technical information (Part I);
• Circuit protection devices technical information (Part II);
• Programming Technologies (Part I);
• Programming Technologies (Part II);
• Basic theory circles, signals and processes in technical protection systems (Part II).
Summary of the subject:
Characteristics of acoustic signals. Digital systems of recording and playback of audio signals. Basic methods of processing and compression of audio signals. Characteristics of video signals. Analog and digital systems to record and playback video signals. Basic methods of processing and video compression. The structure, characteristics and use memory chips to record and playback information. The structure, characteristics and use Flash-memory storage. The structure, features and interface ADC/DAC systems for recording and playback media.
Recommended Books:
1. H. Zumbahlen. Linear Circuit Design Handbook. - Newnes/Elsevier, 2008. – 960 p.
2. Сэломон Д. Сжатие данных, изображений и звука. – М.: Техносфера, 2004 – 368 с.
3. Волович Г. И. Схемотехника аналоговых и аналого-цифровых электронных устройств. - М.: Издательский дом «Додэка-ХХI», 2005. - 528 с.
4. Дамьяновски В. CCTV. Библия охранного телевидения. – М.: ООО “ИСС”, 2002. – 352 с.
5. Дворский М. Н., Палатченко С. Н. Техническая безопасность объектов предпринимательства, І том. – К.: “А-ДЕПТ”, 2006. – 304 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports on laboratory work, oral examination, reference work (30%)
• final control (70% control measure, test), writing, oral form (70%)