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Standardization, Certification, Licensing and Accreditation

Major: Cyber Security
Code of Subject: 6.125.03.E.184
Credits: 3
Department: Measuring Information Technologies
Lecturer: Alla Hunkalo, Ph.D. in Tech. Sciences., Assoc.Prof.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Learning Outcomes to know:
basic concepts of standardization, certification, licensing and accreditation;
legal documentation on the standardization and information technical protection;
the organization of work on standardization and certification in Ukraine and economically developed countries;
the procedure of development, adoption, validation, modification and revision of standards;
the rules, schema and procedure of works on certification of information protection means;
the licensing activities in the field of technical protection of information;
to know the accreditation procedure;

be able:
to apply existing regulatory and legislative framework in the field of information security for the proper response of professional activity;
to apply existing regulatory and legislative framework in the field of information security and protection of information with restricted access in a specific area, including adequate organisational measures;
to perform paperwork for documentation submission to the relevant bodies of standardization, certification, licensing and accreditation.
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
General provisions. The terms and their definitions in the field of standardization. Legal documentation on the standardization and technical protection of information. Organization of work on standardization in Ukraine. The procedure of development, adoption, validation, modification and revision of standards. International standardization. International standards in the field of information technologies security and their place in the development of standardization in Ukraine. General information about the certification, terms, and definitions. Main regulatory documents in the field of certification. The procedure of works on certification of information protection means. Rules and schema of certification of information protection means. The use of the national mark of conformity at certification of products in UkrSEPRO certification system. Conformity declaration. Certification in economically developed world countries. The concept and importance of licensing. Terms and definitions relative to licensing. Licensing of activities in technical protection of information. The law of Ukraine "On licensing of economic activities". The procedure of licensing of economic activities in the area of technical protection of information. General information on accreditation. The structure of the national accreditation system. Terms and definitions in the field of accreditation. The procedure of accreditation by the National accreditation body. Organizational, technical and technological requirements for accredited centres of key certification.
Recommended Books:
1. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс «Стандартизація, сертифікація, ліцензування та акредитація» для студентів Інституту комп'ютерних технологій, автоматики та метрології напряму підготовки 6.170101 «Безпека інформаційних і комунікаційних систем», 2016. – 523 с.
2. Основи стандартизації: підручник / О.В. Заболотний, М.Д. Кошовий, В.О. Книш та ін. – Х.: Нац. аерокосм. ун-т „Харк. авіац. Ін-т”, 2010.- 304 с.
3. Управління якістю. Сертифікація / [Бичківський Р.В., Столярчук П.Г., Сопільник Л.І., Калинський О.О.]. – К.: Вища школа, 2005. – 432 с.
4. Шаповал М.І. Менеджмент якості: Підручник.- К.: Т-во „Знання”, КОО, 2003.- 475 с.
5. Національні стандарти України: ДСТУ 1.1. – 1.7., 1.11., 1.12.
6. Національні стандарти України: ДСТУ 3396.0, ДСТУ 3396.1, ДСТУ 3396.2.
7. Журнали «Правове, нормативне та метрологічне забезпечення системи захисту інформації в Україні», «Стандартизація, сертифікація, якість», «Стандарты и качество», тощо.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control (practical assignments) - 35 poins, examination control - 65 points.