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Algorithmic Fundamentals of Cryptology

Major: Cyber Security
Code of Subject: 6.125.01.E.136
Credits: 3
Department: Information Technology Security
Lecturer: assistant professor Voytusik Stepan
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• know the theoretical basis and nature of the algorithms used in cryptology,
• be able to use in practice algorithms used in cryptology;
• be able to make applications for the implementation of algorithms for generating prime numbers;
• be able to develop program for long numbers.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Algorithmic languages and programming.
• Higher mathematics.
• Basics of information security.
Summary of the subject:
Long arithmetic. Research and development of algorithms for multiplication long numbers. Basic theory of numbers. Euclidean algorithm. Research and analysis of algorithms and sequences using continued fractions. Complexity theory. Functional diagrams. Algorithms. One-way functions. model calculations. The theory of congruence. Congruence arbitrary powers. Chinese theorem of residues.
Recommended Books:
1. О.Н.Василенко, Теоретико-числовые алгоритмы в криптографии. — М.: Изд-во МГУ, 2000
2. Нечаев В. И. Элементы криптографии. — М.: Высшая школа, 1999.
3. Ноден П., Китте К. Алгебраическая алгоритмика. — М.: Мир, 1999.
4. Боревич З. И., Шафаревич И. Р. Теория чисел. — М.: Наука, 1985.
5. Ященко В.В. Введение в криптологию. — Сбп. Питер, 2000.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports on laboratory work, oral examination, reference work (30%);
• final control (70% control measure, test), writing, oral form (70%).